Spin Orbit Coupled Fermi Gas Pdf

  1. 2 Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P. R. China arXiv:1410.0987v1.
  2. Itinerant chiral ferromagnetism in a trapped Rashba spin-orbit-coupled.
  3. PDF Transverse spin polarization of a Rashba-Zeeman-coupled Fermi superfluid.
  4. (PDF) Dynamical phases in quenched spin-orbit-coupled.
  5. Unconventional superconductivity from weak coupling.
  6. Spin-Injection Spectroscopy of a Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermi Gas.
  7. Fulde-Ferrell pairing instability in spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas.
  8. Chapter 2 Quasi-low Dimensional Fermi Gases with Spin-orbit.
  9. [PDF] Pairing Superfluidity in Spin-Orbit Coupled Ultracold Fermi Gases.
  11. [1305.2443] Spin dynamics in a spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas.
  12. PDF Phase-tunable Josephson junction and spontaneous mass current in a spin.
  13. PDF - The Pairing of Spin-orbit Coupled Fermi Gas in Optical Lattice.
  14. FFLO Superfluids in 2D Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermi Gases.

2 Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P. R. China arXiv:1410.0987v1.

Next we study the time evolution of the magnetization in a Rashba spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas, starting from a fully-polarized initial state. We model the dynamics using a Boltzmann equation, which we solve in the Hartree-Fock approx-imation. The resulting non-linear system of equations gives rise to three distinct. Download PDF. Abstract: We study the dynamics of a non-degenerate, harmonically trapped Fermi gas following a sudden ramp of the spin-orbit coupling strength. In the non-interacting limit, we solve the Boltzmann equation in the presence of spin orbit coupling analytically, and derive expressions for the dynamics of an arbitrary initial spin state. How ferromagnetic phases emerge in itinerant systems is an outstanding problem in quantum magnetism. Here we consider a repulsive two-component Fermi gas confined in a two dimensional isotropic harmonic potential and subject to a large Rashba spin-orbit (SO) coupling, whose single-particle dispersion can be tailored by adjusting the SO coupling strength.

Itinerant chiral ferromagnetism in a trapped Rashba spin-orbit-coupled.

Spin-orbit coupled Fermi Gas Tarik Yefsah Lawrence Cheuk, Ariel Sommer, Zoran Hadzibabic, Waseem Bakr and Martin Zwierlein July 20, 2012 ENS. Why spin-orbit coupling ? A little bit of History • Last century classification of quantum states in terms of spontaneous symmetry breaking [Anderson 1997].

PDF Transverse spin polarization of a Rashba-Zeeman-coupled Fermi superfluid.

(a) Energy-level diagram of Fermi gases40K. Three hyperfine spin states are coupled with the electronic excited states through three Raman lasers. The atoms are initially prepared in the free reservoir spin state |9/2,5/2. (b) Configuration of three Raman lasers in thexyplane. The detunings of the Raman lasers 2 and 3 are modulated asδ 2(0)+δ. Radic_umd_0117E (1.897Mb) No. of downloads: 853.... Next we study the time evolution of the magnetization in a Rashba spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas, starting from a fully-polarized initial state.... of the Cooper-paired phase, however this state is not energetically favourable. We extend our calculations to a spin-orbit-coupled Bose. The phase diagram of 2D spin-orbit coupled fermi gas with spin-orbit coupling.26. July 11, 2018 15:58 Synthetic Spin-Orbit Coupling in Cold Atoms 9in x 6in b3308-ch02 page 92 92 R. Zhang have been proposed.35,36 Two-dimensionalspin-orbit coupled fermi gas is sign-problem free, which enable us to simulate such system using Monte Carlo method. Equation of state, the.

(PDF) Dynamical phases in quenched spin-orbit-coupled.

Download PDF Abstract: We briefly review recent progress on ultracold atomic Fermi gases with different types of synthetic spin-orbit coupling, including the one-dimensional (1D) equal weight Rashba-Dresselhaus and two-dimensional (2D) Rasbha spin-orbit couplings. Theoretically, we show how the single-body, two-body and many-body properties of Fermi.

Unconventional superconductivity from weak coupling.

Spin-orbit coupling has been created in this manner in Bose-Einstein condensates [2,7–14] and degen- erate Fermi gases (DFGs) [15–19] of alkali metals. Theseachievementsopennewavenuestoexperimentally study topological matter not realizable in the solid state [20,21]. We study the polaron problem of an impurity immersed in a dissipative spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas via a non-self-consistent T-matrix method.We first propose an experimental scheme to realize a spin-orbit coupled Fermi bath with dissipation, and show that such a system can be described by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian that contains an imaginary spin-flip term and an imaginary constant shift term. A Rashba SO-coupled Fermi gas over the entire BCS-BEC crossover regime [30-43]. In the absence of the Zeeman field, it was shown that the SO coupling enhances superfluid pairing [16,42,44,45]. At the mean-field level, we know that the presence of both the SO coupling and a perpendicular (out-of-plane) Zeeman field give rise to effective p.

Spin-Injection Spectroscopy of a Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermi Gas.

The treatment of spin-orbit coupling with auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo is described. • Results of large-scale simulations of the attractive Fermi gas with SOC are presented. • A benchmark study is performed for electronic systems using a tight-binding model. Radio-frequency spectroscopy of a strongly interacting spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas By Xia-ji Liu Radio-Frequency Spectroscopy of a Strongly Interacting Two-Dimensional Fermi Gas.

Fulde-Ferrell pairing instability in spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas.

The collective dipole mode is induced and measured in a spin-orbit (SO) coupled degenerate Fermi gas of 173Yb atoms. Using a differential optical Stark shift, we split the degeneracy of three.

Chapter 2 Quasi-low Dimensional Fermi Gases with Spin-orbit.

Phase separation in a polarized Fermi gas with spin-orbit. Within this work we only study Rashba spin-orbit coupling, and the spin-orbit field is defined as A = A x, 0, 0 where determines the spin-orbit field strength and is the field alignment. Theoretical Chemistry literature database. We describe the creation of a long-lived spin-orbit-coupled gas of quantum degenerate atoms using the most magnetic fermionic element, dysprosium. Spin-orbit-coupling arises from a synthetic gauge field created by the adiabatic following of degenerate dressed states comprised of optically coupled components of an atomic spin. Because of dysprosium's large electronic orbital angular momentum.

[PDF] Pairing Superfluidity in Spin-Orbit Coupled Ultracold Fermi Gases.

3.1 Dynamics of Rotating Spin-Orbit-Coupled Spin-1 BECs in an Anharmonic Trap. It is to be noted that ψ 1 2, ψ 0 2, and ψ − 1 2 (the left three columns) are the density distributions of three components mF = 1, mF = 0, and mF − 1, and the corresponding phase distributions are given by θ1 = arg ψ1, θ0 = arg ψ0, and θ−1 = arg ψ−1. An experimental study of the collective dipole oscillation of a spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate in a harmonic trap and experimentally demonstrates a unique feature of the spin- orbit coupled system predicted by a sum-rule approach, stating that spin polarization susceptibility can be measured via the dynamics of dipoles oscillation. Cold atoms with laser-induced spin-orbit (SO) interactions provide a platform to explore quantum physics beyond natural conditions of solids. Here we propose and experimentally realize two-dimensional (2D) SO coupling and topological bands for a rubidium-87 degenerate gas through an optical Raman lattice, without phase-locking or fine-tuning of optical potentials.


We briefly review recent progress on ultracold atomic Fermi gases with different types of synthetic spin-orbit coupling, including the one. The coupling of the spin of electrons to their motional state lies at the heart of recently discovered topological phases of matter konig2007quantum ; hsieh2008topological ; hasan2010topological. Here we create and detect spin-orbit coupling in an atomic Fermi gas, a highly controllable form of quantum degenerate matter inguscio2008ultracold ; bloc08many. We reveal the spin-orbit gap.

[1305.2443] Spin dynamics in a spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas.

Bose-Einstein condensates [10–12] and, recently, spin-orbit coupling in Fermi gases [13]. Here, we directly measure the spinful band structure of Eq. (1), as well as the rich band structure of a spin-orbit coupled lattice. For this, we introduce spin-injection spectroscopy, which is capable of completely characterizing the quantum states. Previous theoretical analyses of three-dimensional spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gases (e.g., 6 Li, 40 K) have focused mainly on the zero. The Hamiltonian for this uniform 2D spin-orbit-coupled degenerate Fermi gas can be written as H=H F+H I+H soc,(1) where H F= k,σ ζ kC kσ C kσ(2) isthesingle-atomHamiltonian,C† kσisthecreationoperatorfor a Fermi atom with the momentumk= (k x,k y), andσ=↑,↓ are the pseudospins of atoms.ζ.

PDF Phase-tunable Josephson junction and spontaneous mass current in a spin.

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 93, 043602 (2016) Itinerant chiral ferromagnetism in a trapped Rashba spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas Shang-Shun Zhang, 1,2 Wu-Ming Liu, and Han Pu2,3 1Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, and Rice Center for Quantum Materials, Rice University. We investigate the ground state of the two-dimensional polarized Fermi gas with spin-orbit coupling and construct the phase diagram at zero temperature. We find there exist phase separation when the binding energy is low. As the binding energy increasing, the topological nontrivial superfluid phase coexist with topologically trivial superfluid phase which is topological phase separation. The.

PDF - The Pairing of Spin-orbit Coupled Fermi Gas in Optical Lattice.

The two-dimensional spin-imbalanced Fermi gas subject to s-wave pairing and spin-orbit coupling is considered a promising platform for realizing a topological chiral-p-wave super uid. In the BCS limit of s-wave pairing, i.e., when Cooper pairs are only weakly bound, the system enters the topo. For spin orbit coupled systems this is not possible as the bare propagator is non-diagonal in spin components.... and \(n=1\) into two separate domes following the new van Hove singularities established by the two spin orbit separated Fermi surface sheets (compare... a crossover between the electron gas and the lattice model. Phys. Rev. B 73. 1D spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas were recently predicted [30,31]. However, the crucial issue raised in practical manipulations, i.e., the fate of these solitons at a finite velocity of motion, was not addressed. For concreteness, in the main text we focus on 1D spin-orbit-coupled Fermi superfluids. The results of 2D Fermi.

FFLO Superfluids in 2D Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermi Gases.

Y in the uniform topological-superfluid phase of a 2D Fermi gas withspin-orbitcoupling k (kx i ky)andZeemansplittingh. Inpanel(a), thedashedblue (red) curves are the spin-"(spin-#) dispersions in the absence of s-wave pairing ( = 0) and spin-orbit coupling ( = 0) but with large Zeeman splitting h = 2E0. A finite couples spin-". The two-dimensional spin-imbalanced Fermi gas subject to s-wave pairing and spin-orbit coupling is considered a promising platform for realizing a topological chiral-p-wave superfluid.In the BCS limit of s-wave pairing, i.e., when Cooper pairs are only weakly bound, the system enters the topological phase via a second-order transition driven by. Noninteracting spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas [11]. The Fermi energy are E F 2.5E R and the corresponding Fermi wave vector is k F 1.6k R. III. RADIO-FREQUENCY SPECTROSCOPY To characterize the strongly interacting spin-orbit-coupled Fermi system, we apply a Gaussian shape pulse of the rf field with a duration time about 400 μs and frequency ω to.

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